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This year’s Nominating Committee consisted of Bruce Davies and Rachel Minton (who presently serve as Elders), Brad Archibald and Michelle Nuell (members who were elected by the membership at the Semi-Annual Meeting) and Pastor Steve Kerr. Out of their deliberations, they are nominating the following two individuals to stand for two available positions on the Elder's Board of Gateway Church: Mark van Donkersgoed (for re-election), Jean Marcellin. â€‹


Below is a brief biography of each candidate.

Report of the Nominating Committee


Mark Van Donkersgoed:
Mark and Brenda live on a farm near Cayuga Ontario.  They have 2 adult children and three teenagers.  They started attending Gateway in 1999 when they moved to the area and the church was meeting at Mckinnon Park High School. They have been involved in many different ministries throughout the years.  Mark leads the mission team as well as leading short term mission trips to South America. He's also  involved in prayer and deliverance ministry.  Mark enjoys meeting with people to talk about Jesus and pray together. As a family they enjoy doing regular stuff together as well as taking care of various farm animals, swimming, hiking and biking. It is a privilege and joy to serve the Gateway family on the Elders board. 


Jean Marcellin:
Jean and his family moved to Caledonia from Hamilton in 2017, and it quickly became "home" with its wonderful community and beautiful outdoors. Commercial pilot by trade, Jean is currently serving in a leadership capacity in order to remain more "grounded" - able to spend more time with his wife, Elizabeth, and their 3 children. Over the years, serving at Gateway has become the Marcellin family's favourite way to connect and partner with God's people in his beautiful work through the local community - starting with the Club House recordings during COVID, and branching out into Tech team, Prayer and Deliverance teams, as well as leading a small group that focuses on breaking bread as families and walking in the Word of God with all ages.

Bruce Davies, Raj Singh and Rachel MacCormack will be continuing on the Board.


Gateway's bylaws state, "The nominating committee shall present and post, at least four Sundays prior to the annual meeting, one name for each office to be filled. Other nominations, if any, shall be made in writing, signed by two members in good standing and filed with the chairperson of the nominating committee for posting before the public services on the Sunday two weeks prior to the annual meeting."


For more information on each nominee, please feel free to contact a member of the nominating committee or the nominee directly.



Respectfully Submitted,

Pastor Steve Kerr, on behalf of Michelle Nuell, Brad Archibald, Rachel Minton, and Bruce Davies


Gateway is ...


an official church of The Christian & Missionary Alliance in Canada.


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15 Haldimand Rd. 66

Caledonia, ON. N3W 1N7


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